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The Waste Minimisation and Management Plan 2024 is our third region-wide plan and our latest blueprint for reducing and diverting waste from landfill. The plan's vision is still firmly focused on zero waste by 2040 and has set targets under three key areas:

Total regional waste

  • Reduce total council- and private-sector-influenced waste to landfill by 30 per cent by 2030 (from a baseline of 873kg down to 611kg per capita per year).

Domestic waste

  • Reduce domestic kerbside rubbish by 15 per cent by 2029 (from a baseline of 141kg down to 120kg per capita per year).
  • Reduce domestic kerbside rubbish by a further 17 per cent by 2030 (from 120kg down to 100kg per capita per year).

Council waste

  • Reduce council’s own in-house office waste by 50 per cent by 2030 (from a baseline of 0.14kg down to 0.07kg per visit).
  • Work across council to collate data for significant operational waste by 2025, establish baselines by 2026, and set targets for the following years to 2030.

To help Auckland meet these targets we're empowering communities, targeting priority waste streams, advocating for future action, delivering services and infrastructure such as expanding our Resource Recovery Network; together with continuing to partner with others to drive behaviour change and support a circular economy. 

Getting to zero waste will be good for you, good for Auckland, and good for the environment.